Heatran Top 20 Counters

 Heatran Top 20 Counters

Image Credit: Niantic

Heatran Raids

With Unova week and the Genesect raiding coming to an cease, there is a new light at the end of the tunnel. That light is the Legendary Pokemon: Heatran. Heatran will join Raid battles as a Tier 5 boss across the world from Aug. 21st 1 p.m. PDT - Sept. 10th 1 p.m. PDT. 

Heatran info: and Top 20 Counters

  • Heatran Pokemon Type: Legendary Fire-Steel type Pokemon 

  •  Weakness: Fighting, Water, and Double weakness to Ground  

  • Weather Boosted: Sunny and Snowy weather 

  •  Heatran Top 20 Counters                                        

               1. Garchomp

               2. Rhyperior

               3. Excadrill

               4. Groudon 

               5. Kyogre

               6. Flygon

               7. Therian Landorus

               8. Landorus

               9. Golurk

              10. Swampert

              11. Krookodile

              12. Donphan

              13. Golem

              14. West/East Gastrodon

              15. Nidoking

              16. Machamp

              17. Blaziken

              18. Seismitoad

              19. Hippowdon

              20. Kingler

Heatran Raid Boss CP 

- Raid Boss CP: 44,905  
- CP range when being caught: 2,058-2,145 
- Weather Boosted CP range when being caught: 2,573-2,681

Image Credit: Leek Duck.com, Niantic


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